Indian Power Plant Acquires Smar LC700

Panki Thermal Power Plant is located in Uttar Pradesh state of India. Panki recently acquired the LC700 logic controller manufactured by SMAR to automate a high pressure steam boiler for electricity generation. The equipment has been implemented in a redundant installation in order to increase the reliability and consistency in plant operations.

SMAR also supplied HART/4-20mA field equipment for pressure and temperature measurement. “Due to high boiler pressure, it was necessary to implement the logic configuration for a special compensation to accurately determine the boiler drum level”, explains André Linhares Giorgini, Applications Engineer. The project was developed by the IL Kota engineering company located in the city of Kota, Rajasthan State. IL Kota also supplied the technical service to automate the system boilers integration. Since 2006, SMAR has supplied control system technology to this project. According to Business Manager Max Ludewig, the major benefit to Panki is the assurance of using reliable equipment that was developed with the latest innovative technology in terms of safety and availability.

SMAR expects that new businesses will be generated in the energy area via Chino Laxsons, who negotiated this sale. Chino Laxsons has 18 offices in India.