The rise in oil prices and global climate change open new space for the positioning of the Brazilian energy sector. This scenario predicts changes in the dynamics of energy supply, reinforcing the need for market sustainability.

The main driving force behind the growth in demand for agroenergy will be social pressure to replace fossil fuels. There is an opportunity for Brazil to enter a promising market, allowing the achievement of several national and global objectives.

The new scenario of the bioenergetic segment mobilizes the entire market. The supplier companies participate in this new positioning, contributing to the sustainability and independence of Brazil.
The international recognition achieved is the greatest reflection of the quality of our supplies of automation systems, instrumentation equipment and services, enabling SMAR to provide the best technology in automation and control in systems for the use and conversion of solid, liquid and gaseous biomass, for energy purposes, running complete automation projects anywhere in the world, as well as services and support for these industries.

SMAR recognizes its responsibilities towards the environment and seeks to guide its objectives in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. SMAR respects the relevant regulations in its field of activity, researching and using the most appropriate methods in order to reduce environmental damage and increase nature protection.