OT-IT Convergence Guide

Published this May by ibp - Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, the "OT-IT Convergence Guide" is the result of the work of the OT-IT Convergence Group, in which Nova Smar has participated since October 2020. It is a great material to disseminate among your contacts about the active participation of the company in the important deliberations of the technologies in which we are involved. This material is available only in Portuguese language.

The digital transformation strategy in an industrial-based organization starts by integrating data from the existing isolated systems. These systems are present in the industrial area, where they are called "Operation Technologies" (OT) and in the corporate area they are called "Information Technologies" (IT). The OT-IT convergence aims precisely to integrate this data that is dispersed throughout the organization so that it can be used strategically and generate business value.


Access the material: https://www.ibp.org.br/publicacoes/